Cycling with Maui Jim
From training wheels to two wheels, most everyone remembers their first time riding a bike. For many, that passion continues on in life and takes them down many varied paths. Whether you enjoy road cycling, beach cruising, mountain biking or just leisurely rides with friends and family, Maui Jim offers several styles that will fit your needs. Featuring patented PolarizedPlus2® lenses, these comfortable, waterproof sunglasses help eliminate glare, provide broad spectrum protection against harmful UV rays, and offer a crisp, clean view of the most challenging trails and the most scenic rides.
Road Cycling Sunglasses
Whether racing for speed or riding to work, Maui Jim PolarizedPlus2® Sunglasses offer a comfortable fit with crisp, clean views.
Top Choices for Road Cycling

Mountain Biking Sunglasses
Mountain Biking brings a pure enjoyment of the outdoors. Enjoy the vibrant colors of the trail while protecting your eyes.
Top Choices for Mountain Biking

Cruiser Cycling Sunglasses
Maui Jim Sunglasses allow you to experience all 16,777,216 hues of beautiful color that surround you.
Top Choices for Cruiser Bikes
Chaque détail est plus net, plus vif et plus clair avec nos verres.
Nous sommes réellement passionnés par la création des meilleures lunettes de soleil au monde.
Technologie de verre PolarizedPlus2. Conçue pour améliorer votre vision dans toutes les conditions.
Nous promettons de toujours vous accueillir avec une voix amicale et un représentant dédié.
Toutes les lunettes de soleil ne se valent pas. Découvrez comment nos lunettes de soleil protègent votre vision.
Né à Hawaï. Où nous continuons de concevoir et de tester nos produits.