Maui Jim uses an augmented reality application (Fittingbox) on your device to show you the right fitand look of the frames you select. By checking this option, you consent to Maui Jim’s Terms of Use,including the Arbitration clause and Class Action Waiver.
The Virtual Try-On application (Fittingbox) used by Maui Jim creates a photographic image of your facethat enables you to view a rendering of yourself wearing certain Maui Jim frames. Any informationgathered will be stored on your device and will not be shared nor stored by Maui Jim. To the extent wecollect any biometric information through this Virtual Try-On application, we do so only with yourprior explicit consent as explained in our Privacy Policy. By checking this option you consent to thecollection of your biometric identifiers or biometric information, to Maui Jim's Privacy Policy.