Laid back, timeless and always on-trend, medium aviator sunglasses from Maui Jim® will change the way you see the world. Featuring hyper-precise PolarizedPlus2® lens technology, our medium-sized aviators deliver unparalleled elimination of glare and a unique mirror application that does the squinting for you, allowing your eyes to relax. These state-of-the-art lenses block 100% of UV rays while giving you a crisp, image with maximum contrast, and the best color enhancement available. Medium aviators are among the more versatile styles, able to accommodate a variety of face shapes and sizes. Get protection without compromise in a shape that will never go out of style.

"Best sunglasses ever made!"
"I am very picky about sunglasses, but I have finally found a pair that fit me and my lifestyle. I live in Florida and we are always out in the sun fishing, hiking, biking, kayaking, and sweating! . . . They are light and don't squeeze or slide. I can look down when fishing or kayaking, and I don't have to worry about them falling off my face. . . . I love these sunglasses and will probably never wear any other sunglasses for the rest of my life. I've had my silvers for years. They are the best!!!" ★★★★★
Photo courtesy of @trentong1

Los detalles se ven más nítidos, más brillantes, más claros, a través de nuestras lentes.
Nos apasiona poder crear las mejores gafas de sol del mundo.
Tecnología de lente PolarizedPlus2. Diseñada para mejorar la visión en cualquier situación.
Podemos prometerle que siempre le recibiremos con una voz amiga y un representante dedicado.
No todas las gafas de sol se crean igual. Descubra cómo protegen la vista nuestras gafas de sol.
Nacidos en Hawái. Donde seguimos diseñando y probando nuestros productos.